Hey there, having trouble coming up with a blog entry? Feeling a bit tapped out? Maybe a little bit spent? Got that not so fresh feeling?
Hang on - that's a different commercial...not so fresh...pet odors...no, that's not right either...closet clutter...where the hell is page two for my blog commercial? Wayne? What do you mean Wayne's not here? Wayne is always - okay you know what? Nevermind. I'm going to freaking wing it, then I'm going to find Wayne, rip his head off, lift my toned and tan Jazzercised ass to the sky and shit down his worthless neck. Yeah, you run and tell him that one. Now where was I?
Feeling a bit tapped out? Well never fear, for I have a solution for you! On those days when the old brain just won't slip into gear you simply employ the Blogging For Dummies methodology.
"But that sounds hard!" you say? No, not at all! Do not let the word "methodology" detract from the word "dummies" - and, as you well know, we're all about the dummies here at pickle juice.
The answer is simple - so simple that you'll be amazed that you've never thought of it yourself (though I can't say I'm surprised it's escaped you). I'm talking, of course, of the meme!
*collective forehead slap* Yeah, yeah I know, "Why didn't I think of that?" That's what I'm here for, to offer my guidance and experience as one of the very same aforementioned dummy bloggers. Allow me to demonstrate. You won't believe how easy it can be!
First, find another blog. It's not hard - why, simply coming here means you're half-way to completing my course! No, I'm not "shitting" you, and I'll thank you kindly to refrain from using such language.
Now that you've found a blog, simply comment the phrase "Interview me" or some variation. Be creative if you wish - there are really no limitations here apart from those you impose upon yourself. Prove those high-school career counselors wrong!
Collect via email a couple of interview questions penned by yours truly. Here you're kind of on your own, as I can't retrieve your email for you. Well, I mean, everyone has a price but do you really want to spend your money just to have me come to your house and push "send/receive"? Really? Okay then, I'm game if you're game. I'll be around as soon as I receive your certified check or money order.
Wow - that was a commercial within a commercial and I bet you didn't even notice until I pointed it out, huh?
When you receive your questions take them to your blog and answer them. Then, you know, click publish.
Now, this is not an MLM insomuch as it's exactly like an MLM without any kind of pay-off. Think of, oh I don't know, a pyramid. You're at the top, and you need a lot of bricks beneath you to support your position, right? That's the scheme, anyway. But it's not a pyramid scheme insomuch as it's a scheme that is in the shape of a pyramid. Apples and oranges, really.
What's that? Demonstration? Moi? Well, of course! I thought you'd never ask!
The following was asked of me by our resident evil bus driver and jack of all trades,
Bill. Bill of all trades? Whatever. My answers to his probing (oooeerrr!) questions are inline. Oh hell, you can figure it out. If you can't then I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave. I don't care, push the back button, click the X in the corner, whatever. Sure, I suppose you can click the home button if that's where you want to go. Yeah, fine, a favorites will work too. Okay, you know what? How about you just sit there quietly and let the rest of us play the game, all right? Good.
Here we go:
1) What's the story, if any, behind 'pickle juice' the name of your blog?
The first incarnation of this blog was called "Dreams of an Insomniac" from the book "Dreams of an Insomniac: Jewish Feminist Essays, Speeches, and Diatribes" by Irena Klepfisz - fitting, as I am a long-suffering insomniac myself. (Note the timestamp on this entry and know I've yet to get to sleep.) However, I received an email from a girl wH0 Wr0+E LIkE +h1$ telling me that she was using the name first. I changed mine - not because of her professed propriety but rather because I simply didn't want to be associated with her in any way. But while thinking of a new name one night I thought I'd rename my blog after a late-night snack - it would either be called "pickle juice" or "warm milk". Or "pickle juice and warm milk" - I like the number of directions I could have run with the whole "curdled" thing. But PJ prevailed.
2) How did you discover blogging? Did someone or something inspire you?
My dear
husband had been keeping a journal for a couple of years on our web page, but it was only when he showed me the journal of
John and it got me interested. In the beginning my entries were sporadic, like John's, and I had grand ideas that I'd populate it with essays and political commentary. The day that I opted to write about the Anna Nicole Smith show over blossoming strife in North Korea was the day I knew I'd strayed from my prescribed "beaten path". I haven't looked back since.
3) If it were possible, would you want to know the exact time and day of your death? Would that affect the way you currently live? Would you future plans change in any way?
Knowing the exact time of your death is kind of like learning the gender of your unborn child - sure, it'll help you decide what color to paint the nursery but does it really change anything? You're gonna die/you're gonna have a kid, regardless. But I don't think I'd like to know the exact time of my death - or even an idea of it - siimply because I'm the type of guy who will say, "On the count of three" but rip the bandage off at the count of two. Because that's fucking funny.
4) Name 3 things that make you unspeakably, horrifyingly angry beyond words.
This is a tough one. The biggest one is being disrespected, which comes in many forms. Just generally being devalued pisses me off to no end. I was in a bar once with a guy - now, this was just in a casual conversation - who told me that, while I was one of the brighter people he knew, that he wouldn't hire me for even the most entry-level job because I didn't have a college degree. I went
off and it's not even like I was looking for a job from him - this was just a conversation about management styles. I think I have a bit of a chip on my shoulder because of that whole "mom at fifteen" thing I had going on - no matter how hard I worked at anything I was at an instant disadvantage to my peers. On top of that I had zero support, from the father, from my family, from anyone. Don't get me wrong - I have pride in what I did manage to accomplish considering, and I love my girl and would never swap her for a million college degrees but the easiest way to get my back up and make me bash you over the head is to intimate that I am somehow diminished in value because of the lack of school/housewife thing. Cuz I'll cut ya, I swear I'll cut ya.
Since you asked for three things I'll throw in clubbing baby seals and Justin Timberlake, too, for good measure.
5) Now that you are over halfway to 50 and you look at your life, are you happy with where you are or do you wish you would have done something(s) different?
Cough, sputter, gasp! "Over halfway to 50"?!? By one freaking year! But I take the point.
I don't think I would do anything differently - nothing major, anyway. I would have been nicer to certain people. This is the kind of thing I mean - in kindergarten there was this girl, Brenda Bernell, who was mildly retarded and who lived in my sister's apartment building. During the summer before kindergarten we played together but when we got to school I pretty much ignored her and one day I joined in with the kids who were chanting, "Tardo! Tardo!" at her. I was most certainly
not a "Tardo" kind of kid - I was more likely to throw rocks at the kids who said such things. For some reason, that day I teased her. She looked up, crying, and saw me in the mass of children and said, "I thought you were my friend, Natalie."
I can still picture her face so clearly, with that one crooked tooth and the pigtails tied up in ribbons. Her saying that, spotting me out as a trusted one just cut me to the bone.
I felt like such shit after then that I had my mom switch me to afternoon kindergarten because I couldn't handle the guilt. (Seriously, the guilt was literally effecting my health - I had chronic stomach aches and nightmares over it for almost a month and when I got a wart on my toe I was sure it was my guilt bubbling up to the surface.) I still feel awful about that, especially since she moved that year and I never apologized.
Stuff like that? Yeah, I'd change that in a heartbeat. The rest of it? Probably not.
Though, were it not for that day at school with Brenda I wouldn't have realized my capacity for cruelty. So maybe I wouldn't have changed that. I'd have taken away her sense of betrayal but not my sense of shame, if that makes sense.
So short answer (after the long answer) is no. I think.
Clear as mud-ingly,
(remember - if you wanna play just say "interview me" and we'll run this thing up a flagpole and see if anyone salutes. See? Even without a college degree I am SO corporate material!)