i'm thankful the pilgrims were a bunch of zealous bastards
Today as you're sitting around the table being thankful for this, that and the other in your life, I'd like you to also be thankful that the Pilgrims destroyed those damn, dirty Wampanoag savages. If you are religiously-inclined, please do contemplate the Thanksgiving sermon delivered by Mather the Elder in 1623 in which he praised God for unleashing the smallpox on the Indians that killed "chiefly young men and children, the very seeds of increase, thus clearing the forests to make way for a better growth" - "better growth" being, obviously, the Pilgrims themselves. Suck on that one, Squanto!
Our story of Thanksgiving was a PR spin invented in the early 1900s to make the immigrants to this country feel like they belonged and that we, Americans, embraced cultural diversity. And then we killed them, too.
Whadda bunch of suckers, eh?
For once I can list ancestors who were on the bad side rather than as the victims. On my father's side I can claim the austere, Puritanical lineage of the Beard, Olmstead, Sanford and Cone names - the Beards, as I mentioned before, played a pivotal role in the founding of Milford, CT (by virtue of the fact that the mother brought roughly 47 children with her from England). His line has been in America since God was a little boy and undoubtedly gave many a gift of pox-ridden blankets to their brown friends. But, really, everyone was doing it, ya know? Get them before they get you and all that.
Nah, I'm kidding - I'm not really sitting around reflecting on past genocide. I'm deliberately being confrontational because I'm sick and pissed off that all y'all are gearing up to eat your turkey and stuffing and I'm not. What's my Thanksgiving feast going to be? Friggin Thera-Flu. So, yeah, I'm a little bit pissy. In retaliation for my bitterness I'm pretending I'm too choked up on righteous indignation over the brutal slaughter of an entire race of people to swallow even a smidgen of mashed potato. Yeah, that's the ticket.
What's that quote, something like "righteous indignation is jealousy wearing a halo" or something like that. That's me today, totally. Enjoy your dinners, you bastards...hope you can wash that Indian blood off your hands in time for pumpkin pie.
Delusional again, naturally-ingly,
It's pure wicked to hate this many people at once, but damn it, a turkey dinner is worth it. ()