and no one cares when i double dip the chips
I was just sitting here with this window (and my fly) open and thought, "I really love being awake when no one else is awake - it's kind of like a party, but I never get stiffed on the drugs". As I went to write that down I had a horrifying thought - nah, I wasn't worried that people would think I did drugs - I was worried that you'd think that I'd, ya know, worked on that line. Like I thought about it and went, "Yeah, that's definitely my 'A' game material right there". And that's just not how I roll.
Some people sit around and work on entries, and proofread, and make sure that they're using real words...not me, bro. We're just chatting. None of us would ever get out of here alive if I started to edit up in this bitch.
I was helping my sister with a paper for school the other day and I was all proofreading and being really critical about things...flash forward, literally, six hours later and the paper I was finally moderately satisfied with shared exactly two sentences with the first draft. It's like the philosopher's hammer: replace the head, then the handle, then the head, then the handle...can you really say it's the same hammer?
So when anyone asked me why I looked like shit the day after that paper I was all like, "I had to help my sister with sixteen papers, man, it was brutal!"
I've been watching Star Wars (episode eye vee - "A New Hope"? I'm afraid so.) and have to say, I'm having a few problems with this particular franchise. I think I should have watched it when I was four, like everyone else, and just ooohed and ahhhed over the robots and hover craft, but I didn't, so.
I have an issue with bitchy-ass little Luke Skywalker. I'm all like, "Why don't you shut up and farm your dirt, you whiny little ingrate?" I'd slap the shit out of him, I really would. Plus, I'm pretty sure he's gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that! No, not gay exactly, but when I see him I can't help but think of the brother from Napoleon Dynamite.
And double you tee eff with there being no Jedi anymore? Oh, we got our asses kicked and have no leadership so we're totally going to disband and not be Jedi anymore, even though we know damn well that Darth fucking Vader, Dark Lord of the god damn Sith is out there...I dunno, dude. What were you thinking, Obi Wan? I mean, you can take the man out of the Federation but you can't take the Jedi out of the man, or am I wrong? Am I wrong?
I'm not wrong.
Then again, I've only watched episode one and, like, fifteen minutes of episode four, so. (I am the single most annoying person to watch a movie with, as I'm sure you can tell.)
Oh, and I hate how they say "falcon". It's not FALL-kun. It's FAL-ken. They rhyme it "falcon" with "maul kin" and it's "falcon" like "pal can". That's that, and I don't want to hear another word about it.
I saw today, for the first time in, literally, fifteen years, the very first real boyfriend I'd ever had. It was weird because he walked past me and waved with the same mannerisms he had when he was a kid and I had a flashback to being in junior high. He looks the exact same as he used to, which was even more weird, except he shaves his head for no reason I can tell. He's not going bald, but he shaves his head - why do people do that? He's going to wake up one day and decide to grow his hair back in, just for a change, and be all like, "Was my forehead always this big?" BLAM - George Costanza.
Of course, I looked like absolute shit - the one day I didn't look cute because I've been so sick - and my hair is mid-process in that I've been going crazy with the coloring and the bleaching and the whatnot. So I need to give it some time between processes or else my hair screams at me and threatens to commit suicide by jumping off my head and into the shower drain.
So I was chatting with him about our respective kids and moms and the "good old days", as people are fond of calling them (this was the kid...hell, kid...who first got me into skateboarding and snowboarding and kissing behind piles of junk in the woods, all hobbies I retain to this day) and we got into the "Hey, you look good!" "No, you look good!" thing. He said something about how he liked my hair this color and I laughed, saying something like, "Well, it's not done - right now I look like some trashy motorcycle racer girlfriend. All I need is to strip Nico to his diaper and give him a baby bottle full of Pepsi!" Then I asked him what he was up to and he said, "No much...just recuperating from a broken foot." And how did he break it?
Motorcycle racing.
I had to get the hell out of there before his wife and baby showed up because if his kid was in a diaper sucking on a bottle of Pepsi I would have killed myself in the shower drain.
I have a knack for saying the absolute wrong thing at any given moment in time, but thinking about things before you say them and then proofreading? It's still for chumps.